Teens And Technology

Learn to Discern I have to confess I have a love/hate relationship with technology. I love the convenience of writing this article on my iPad. But I hate when my technology quits working, like my iPad did recently. I realized just how dependent I have become on the...

Your Students Are Interested In Having A Relationship With You!

In George Barna’s book Real Teens he published some very interesting stats. 57% of teens feel very close and 90% of teens feel fairly close to mom  “When we asked teen to identify the one aspect they would like to change about their...

Grateful… 10 Things I Love About Fall

1. Boots! 2. Crunchy leaves 3. Brilliant colours 4. Harvest moons 5. Flannelette sheets 6. My down duvet 7. New TV episodes 8. No mosquitoes 9. Fires in the fireplace 10.My husband lives at home…a bit more I’m really a summer person. My favourite places are beaches...

Nearly Spectacular

Last week I met a remarkable man. Because of a diving accident in his youth, he had been a quadriplegic for most of his life. But Walt doesn’t consider this a reason to see life through dirty lenses. Each day when I saw Walt and I asked, “How are you?” he responded,...

Just Ask

Just Ask! Today I had the remarkable experience of receiving what I hoped for in two situations where that outcome was unlikely. I was prepared to politely accept refusal, but I still had to ask. I had purchased the econo-size of a food product which I...